Monday, December 31, 2007
Are You Fly?
Thanks to the Grist List, I've been randomly laughing about them for weeks.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
how we spent our christmas vacation

They were followed shortly by Sister-in-Law Galore, Brother-in-Law Galore, and Niece Galore from Michigan. We spent the first part of the week in Seattle, then headed down to Oregon for a few days.
Niece Galore will be one year old in two weeks. We hadn't seen her since August. She's delightful.
This is what she spent most of her time doing:
Along with quite a bit of this:
It was wonderful to all spend time together.

A merry belated Christmas to our multitudes of blog readers!

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
i may have a drinking problem
One of my coworkers recently departed from my organization. Minutes before he left for good, he sent an email to the entire staff summarizing his impressions of everyone in the office. Awkward -- but hilarious. What he said about me: "[Mrs. Galore] drinks 6 glasses of water from the same green glass. 3 before noon, 3 after noon. She is also a perfect speller, sits up perfectly straight, and could kick the *&^$ out of anybody!”
I mention this because it is awesome, but also because today, the dishwasher hadn’t been run so my favorite green glass was dirty and I was forced to drink out of a jar instead. At 11:45, when I was coming back to my desk with my second refill, I happened to notice that the jar had the number of ounces marked on the side. Thus did I realize that I had drunk 40 ounces of water before noon.
By the end of the day, I had downed six more glasses, for a grand total of 160 ounces. (There are 128 ounces in a gallon, for the curious.) And that doesn’t count what I drank at the gym – I joined a gym! – and with dinner.
I hear that the conventional wisdom that you should drink six 8-ounce glasses of water per day has been recently debunked, but nonetheless: Does anyone happen to know the symptoms of overhydration? Do they include persistent sleepiness, a penchant for naming inanimate objects, and a hopeless inability to ever bring homemade dishes to potlucks?
Also, I have no idea where my coworker got the idea that I can kick the so-called *&^$ out of anybody. Of course it’s true, but I thought I kept it pretty well hidden.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
reasons i love ballard, #2180
meet our neighbor

On Thursday night we arrived home from a white elephant gift exchange (in which Mr. Galore's attempts to rid our household of his Hercules soundtrack were foiled when it was traded back to Mrs. Galore at the end) to find this raccoon hanging out on the fence a few feet from our door.
Sorry about the picture quality. It was dark.
After five minutes or so, the raccoon returned to the yard of our gun-toting 96-year-old neighbor.
In other news, it should be clarified that Al was not named after Mr. Gore, but was so named for being an Alberta Spruce. That differentiates Al from Phil, our philodendron.