Monday, November 29, 2010

Some Shows — Latest Installment

For those of you that are interested in the music we've been going to see lately, we've had a chance to see some good stuff you might be interested in checking out:

  • Janelle Monae opening for Of Montreal – Great show all around. I was equally excited about both, but left with much more enthusiasm for the opener and would love to see Monae do her full set. If you don't yet know Janelle Monae, you will soon. She'll be annoyingly popular, which she completely deserves. In the meantime, I think the Galores would do well and could afford to add her to the next installment of our music festival.

  • Pomegranates — Really enjoying their latest album, One of Us. The crowd was sadly small, but it was fun to be two rows back from a band with some good songwriting talent. Here's some audio from their latest KEXP visit.
  • Dawes – Fantastic live. Mrs. Galore made a rare late night showing.

  • Built to Spill – If it wasn't already, it's starting to become a character flaw to not like BtS. It's true. Only complaint was that they didn't play You Were Right.

  • Over the Rhine — Mrs. Galore went to get her menno-folk-singer-songwriter on, so you'll have to ask her for the recap. As an aside, Poughkeepsie is a great song, but what about the name?


Some qoocs for you:

From friend Danny: "At least your coworkers wear pants!"

Mrs. Galore to Mr. Galore: "I just noticed your face."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

MLS Expansion Draft or Ugh, who will we protect?

So, like many in Sounder nation, I've been agonizing over who we'll lose in the upcoming expansion draft. To make the whole thing a little less painful, I thought it would be fun to make a contest.

As I understand it, though I'm not a lawyer, the rules are basically:
  • if the player is a designated player, we have to protect them
  • we can protect up to 11 players
  • if one of our players is taken, we can protect a 12th player
  • we can only lose at most 2 players (we could also only lose 1 or 0)
So, either comment or email me if you want to participate. I think the following should work well:
  • 1 point for each player you correctly identify as one we'll protect
  • 3 points for each taken player you correctly guess (no player taken is a valid choice for each slot, Portland chooses first; Vancouver second)
  • 2 points for correctly naming the 12th protected player
(That means there is a total of 19 possible points.)

So, here's how I think it will play out:
  1. Keller
  2. Fernandez
  3. Nkufo
  4. Alonso
  5. Montero
  6. Zakuani
  7. Parke
  8. Ianni
  9. Sturgis
  10. Hurtado
  11. Riley
Jacqua will get taken by Portland.
We'll then protect Nyassi.
Then I think Evans will be taken by Vancouver.

Meaning we'll hang onto (among others):
  • Fucito
  • Seamon
  • Gonzalez
  • Vegenas
  • Boss
  • Wahl
  • Graham
  • Montano
  • Estrada
What do you think?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

i have a new blog

(and it's updated more consistently than this one)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


"Are you crying?"
"No, you just spit on me."