Monday, February 9, 2009


This week is going to be one of the craziest in recent memory. So much to do at work ... so many visitors and evening obligations that keep me from working overtime ... maybe that's a good thing. We'll see. I'll just be glad when February's over, to put it mildly.

At the same time, I shouldn't get too much sympathy these days for complaining about too much work -- and work I enjoy, at that.

Last night it snowed. Tonight it hailed. But Saturday was a beautiful, warm day, and we took a walk up to a little-known park overlooking Ballard.

And Father Galore is back in town for a short visit. Hooray! See on the left the way he has been for the past 20 years; on the right, his newly shaven, young-looking, Brother-Galore-resembling state.

And here is a squid carrot.

1 comment:

BMK said...

Thank goodness your father bears no resemblance to a squid carrot. He's sooooo much cuter than a vegetable.