Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Both by Mr. Galore, both related to Thai food (I guess that makes them QIC):

"I'm going to get avian bird flu and mad chicken disease."

"I'm trying to burn the Midwest out of me."

Also related to Thai food: This weekend's exciting adventure in which Mrs. Galore, having intentions of handing her leftover Thai food to a person on the street, instead handed him her bag of free stuff from GreenFest, without having the rational person's reaction of "while my Thai food is in a white plastic bag, and my GreenFest free T-shirts and coupons and magnets and gift for a pregnant coworker are in a white plastic bag, the two plastic bags are of very different sizes and shapes and weights and appearances and there is no real reason why they should be mistaken for each other," and then did not realize her mistake until 15 minutes later, after which there was a great search for men carrying white plastic bags, aided generously by the car-driving Father Galore (who it must be noted had just finished running a half marathon), but ultimately ended in Mrs. Galore having lost her free stuff, including two very cute T-shirts, although she was still in possession of her Thai food, which she ate, begrudgingly, for lunch the next day.

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