Sunday, August 9, 2009


This week I learned a lot about spam (the internet version). Did you know that in addition to automated robot spam, there are also real people who get paid a pittance to register for websites and then post links back to the spam website? This week my work site got hit hard by spammers and I got to scroll through a bunch of bios that spam-people posted on our site.

"Hi im Getaflat Stomach"

"I love to travel around the world, and also believe in green produce"

"I am part of all wedding ceremonies"

"I am Sandra. I am severe fan of coach tennis shoes."

"I am in school to be an accountant though now I am afraid that this is a bad idea."

"I have buried hamsters, painted homes, and helped people through painful medical problems like hernias"

"Internet has influenced my life to such an extent that now I cant do without this internet."

1 comment:

leah said...

This post may have just changed my life.